May 2023

Get strong, get smart: The benefits of strength training for brain health

Researchers have made significant strides in understanding the relationship between exercise and brain health in recent years. The emerging field of neuroscience has shed light on the remarkable benefits of physical activity on cognitive function, neurogenesis, brain plasticity, and overall mental well-being. Prepare to have your neurons fired up excitedly as we explore the fundamental discoveries that have set the neuroscience world abuzz! We will take you through the latest research, drawing insights from the captivating world of Neuroscience News. Let's dive headfirst into the depths of fitness neuroscience.
Anael Grünwald
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Anael Grünwald
Muscle Gain
Muscle Gain
Apr 2023

Women Become Bulky Like Men When Lifting Weights. True or False?

We have all stumbled upon certain commercials of men looking lean and bulky after lifting heavy weights, which often scares off women. Meanwhile, strength training is becoming mainstream. Even the famous Vogue magazine has shared that “weight training has become more popular among us, entering the world of social media, where people find information regarding health from influencers online”. Each and every one of us is different, and workouts can be tailored to people's health and fitness goals.
Anael Grünwald
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Anael Grünwald
Muscle Gain
Muscle Gain
Mar 2021

Protein shakes for muscle growth: hype or hack?

I must confess: the creamy shake that tastes like roasted pistachio, salty caramel, or Swiss chocolate is also my favorite post-workout snack. Whether it's a healthy choice is another question. Now before you too get seduced by the beautiful protein powder packaging and get confused by the endless list of L-amino acids on the package, let's answer some key questions about how much protein you actually need and what sources are best. Nutrition and sports performance experts Albers-Concepts, betteryou and Sarah Ledermann share their recommendations. 
Egle Paulauskaite
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Egle Paulauskaite
Muscle Gain
Muscle Gain
Feb 2021

The fascinating truth about why bigger muscles aren't necessarily better

Did you ever try to move so explosively fast that your brain hurt trying to keep up with the task? Maybe during a 100 meters sprint to the finish line at school or maybe sometimes when running in a forest or riding a bicycle just trying to beat your training buddy to the imaginary yardstick? Fact is, when it comes to optimizing the performance of your nervous system and cementing the connection between your brain and body, it doesn't really matter how impressive your bicep is.
Egle Paulauskaite
Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Muscle Gain
Muscle Gain