Sep 2023

Strength training during menopause: How do hormones affect fat loss & muscle gain in women over 50?

Do you know the feeling that things get a bit more challenging around the age of 50? Especially women going through menopause often struggle with their weight, lose strength, and the firmness of their bodies. But this is not a fate to be simply accepted. In this article, you will learn what changes in your body and what it takes for fat loss and muscle building for women over 50.
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Egle Paulauskaite
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Muscle Gain
Aug 2023

Osteoporosis: exercise with AURUM as the key to strong bones

Andrea Andris came to AURUM Training with back pain, posture issues, and an osteoporosis diagnosis. And she's not alone in this – over 400,000 people in Switzerland are dealing with osteoporosis. Theoretically, exercise helps counter bone loss, but not all movements are equally effective. "I'm 62 years old, and thanks to AURUM, I've got more strength than ever." But it's not just about increased strength; it's also about higher bone density. Discover why strength training, especially AURUM Training, is the ultimate bone safeguard.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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Jul 2023

Zyklusorientiertes Training: Warum solltest du dein Training mit deinem Menstruationszyklus abstimmen?

An manchen Tagen bist du voller Energie und fühlst dich wie Superwoman während du an anderen kaum die Kraft hast, den Kühlschrank zu öffnen? Tatsächlich gibt es Phasen im Menstruationszyklus, in denen du nicht nur mehr Energie hast, sondern auch besser Muskeln aufbauen kannst. In anderen Phasen ist es hingegen schwierig, trotz Training, die Muskeln zu definieren. In diesem Blogpost lernst du deine Sportroutine, um deinen Zyklus und dein persönliches Ziel zu optimieren, ohne dass du viel ändern muss. Die Lösung lautet: Zyklusorientiertes Training!
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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Jul 2023

Cycle-oriented training: why should you coordinate your training with your menstrual cycle?

Some days you're full of energy and feel like superwoman while on others you barely have the strength to open the fridge? In fact, there are phases in the menstrual cycle when you not only have more energy, but also build muscles better. In contrast, in other phases it is difficult to define your muscles, despite training. Learn your exercise routine in this blog post to optimize your cycle and your personal goal without changing much. The solution is: cycle-oriented training!
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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