Jun 2020

Five benefits of strength training for women

Strength training is not only the optimal training for body toning and defined muscles but also improves sleep quality and posture. But there are other strength training benefits that women in particular benefit from.
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Julian Massler
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Jun 2020

What is Fitness 4.0 and why you should care

What is the next big development in strength training and fitness? And why traditional fitness offers are elitist and expensive and rarely offer? If you want to get in shape, you subscribe to a gym. And let's be honest. If you're just starting out with fitness and strength training, it can be a pretty daunting place. You often hear the statement: "I have to get a little fitter before I go to the gym." If you finally dare to go to a gym, you first have to learn to use all the training equipment correctly.
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Posted by 
Julian Massler
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Muscle Gain