Aug 2020

Op-Ed: Why wearables are not worth your money

Wearables wear off extremely fast. Dad joke, I know, sorry it´s because I will be one in January. I have card blanche now. But seriously, how many of you have a Fitbit or other wearable fitness, activity or health tracker? Most likely it sets dust in the corner after the initial excitement. If you are not a professional athlete or biohacker, wearables are simply not worth your money. Let's explore why.
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Julian Massler
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Jun 2020

How the 6 Minute Workout increases neurochemicals of happiness and reduces depression

Regular exercise and High Intensity Strength Training may help ease depression symptoms and boost happiness by releasing feel-good endorphins, natural cannabis-like brain chemicals (endogenous cannabinoids) and other natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of mental wellbeing.
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Egle Paulauskaite
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Jun 2020

The biochemistry of love (and what happens in your body when you fall in love)

When does everything seem possible in life? When we're in love. When we fall in love, a cascade of hormones and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine are released, ensuring increased excitement, happiness and satisfaction in life. While we can't fall in love every season as James Bond does, we can do a variety of other activities to increase the production of these chemicals. HIT training is one of them.
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Egle Paulauskaite
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Jun 2020

Interview: The man with the bionic hand - How Michel's disability became a superpower

Michel Fornassier was born without a right hand. Today he copes with everyday life with the latest high-tech hand. The bionic hand prosthesis enables Michel not only to train like an AURUM astronaut but also to find his way into the heart of people. As a bionicman Michel demonstrates how technology can help achieve human potential.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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Muscle Gain