Mar 2021

Post pandemic fitness routine: How the 6 Minute Workout buys you time

The pandemic has shown us that health and social relationships matter most. And the lockdown has changed the way we live (at least for a while) and the way we perceive time. When gyms closed and fitness classes were canceled, we had to figure out how to exercise at home. Turns out, 3-4 hours of sweat sessions every week shaking that bootie are not just unnecessary but have also been robbing our time. So did the daily commute. We learned that the popular workout routines varying from yoga, pilates, spinning, body pump, to body boost can be done from home. Alone these apps can get you the needed amount of physical and mental fitness. Except for the 6 Minute high intensity workout performed on our “time machine”. Time, because it literally buys you time and improves your quality of life.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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Jan 2021

What gets measured, gets managed: our favourite wellbeing apps

Using various apps and related routines can help you get to the results you want (or help understand why you're not getting the results), increase awareness, expand knowledge or develop a habit. My favorite under-appreciated motivation for using the self-tracking apps is that it is a way to think more deeply about something that's going on in my life. Having tested different wearables and apps praised by scientists and healthy lifestyle enthusiasts, I came to the conclusion: what gets measured, gets managed, and after it gets managed, it doesn’t need to be measured anymore. Take food tracking or meditation: once you learn and build a habit that serves you, you don't need to continue tracking with "obsession". So, what are the best wellbeing apps worth your attention?
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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Jan 2021

The 15 most common mistakes to avoid when losing weight

Have you been religiously fasting and drinking apple and kale juice for 3 weeks, eating salads, avoiding refined sugars, and jogging 5 to 10 km every other day and still haven't achieved any success? No, of course, you don't do all that, but maybe you think you should do more of that to burn fat. To lose weight effectively and prove to your colleagues and yourself that you can stay (or even get) fit this year without going to the gym, you absolutely must avoid these 15 mistakes:
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Posted by 
Philipp Andris
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Fat Loss
Dec 2020

Maximising your power score: the secret to better performance and post workout happiness

Often, we come out of a workout disappointed because the Row output showed -3.4%, Chest Press -7.0%, Pull Down -12.5%, and your all the times most favourite overhead Press -17.9%. Why is that so? And why appreciating the feeling even more than the numbers is so powerful? As the year is coming to an end, it's time to get cozy, relax, and zoom out for that more complete view, reflect, connect the dots, experience a few aha! moments. Become aware and appreciate the experiences that no power score on the screen could ever capture. Discover the richness that goes beyond the numbers – the richness of the felt experience of those 20 minutes every week trying to increase your strength.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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