Jun 2020

Heart rate variability (HRV): the strongest indicator of performance recovery

Imagine the match of your life. Tennis match. You hold a racket in your hand and take a few deep and slow breaths to concentrate before you hit the ball. Or think of Shavasana, the state of deep relaxation at the end of each yoga class. In both situations we use the breath to calm the mind. This can also be measured in our body using heart rate variability (HRV). A higher HRV goes hand in hand with mindfulness, relaxation and mental presence. Learn to use HRV to achieve your desired fitness and health state.
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Stefan Andris
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Jun 2020

You should stretch too, right?

Ahhhh ... the tiresome subject of the flexibility and long lean muscles. It's healthy when you hit the ground with your hands in front - can't you do it? Tsss tss tss... Heard many times, nowadays we don't say anything anymore. Of course, you should stretch if you have a shortening! But if not, ask back: why? Is stretching overrated? Stretching can postpone recovery after a HIT workout. So, when to do stretching and when not?
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Tobias Hackl
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Muscle Gain
Jun 2020

Exercise less, build more muscles: A chat with Chief AURUM Evangelist Julian

Recovery after training is as important as the training itself. But how often should you exercise in order to build muscle efficiently and not to disturb the process of muscle tissue growth? How long should you take a break between HIT workouts and what to do to relieve sore muscles? We answer these and other questions in a conversation with Chief AURUM Evangelist Julian.
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Posted by 
Stefan Andris
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Muscle Gain