Jun 2020

You should stretch too, right?

Ahhhh ... the tiresome subject of the flexibility and long lean muscles. It's healthy when you hit the ground with your hands in front - can't you do it? Tsss tss tss... Heard many times, nowadays we don't say anything anymore. Of course, you should stretch if you have a shortening! But if not, ask back: why? Is stretching overrated? Stretching can postpone recovery after a HIT workout. So, when to do stretching and when not?
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Posted by 
Tobias Hackl
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Muscle Gain
Jun 2020

Fit or fat - the basic concept for fat burning

How do we lose weight and what exactly happens in the body when we lose body fat? And how can we achieve this state of fat burning as quickly as possible and in the long term? Many say "It's clear: calories in, calories out! Simply absorb less than you burn." We think there is a better way to burn fat and getting hormones into balance is key.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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