want to be open with you, I am the anti health esoteric among us. I have a lot of stress, love whiskey and wine, cigars, chocolate, burgers, steaks, eggs, bacon, french fries, Iron Maiden & Metallica, a good Mano a Mano competition and am very direct, which is often misinterpreted as choleric... I am just «a tiny tiny bit» impatient. Okay, maybe I'm a little choleric, to me this is wonderful!
The great advantage that I have through my autodidactic forays into the depths of blogs, scientific papers and books on health and wellbeing is that I know exactly how I can and must balance the negative effects of my lifestyle. So I always have enough Yin for my Yang and can enjoy my life to the fullest. Here is what the strength to enjoy life looks like for me:
I counter-react to stress with my meditation practice and it is hard to get frustrated for long periods of time if you consistently become aware of how grateful you can be for the people in your life. During the week I eat lots of vegetables and salad with good protein and little carbohydrates, take my Omega3s, vitamin Ds and magnesium and drink only water, coffee and tea. No Sugar.
All other pleasures I buy myself with at least 30 minutes of movement a day, good sleep hygiene and the intake of 6-Minutikum Akut once a week, a preparation of the company AURUM with the active ingredient: highly intensive strength training. The comparison is not too far-fetched, because the list of positive effects of high intensity strength training reads like the medication package insert of a drug, which would probably be the holy grail of any pharmaceutical company:
If a strength training is done correctly and as a result your muscle mass grows, your body will benefit in every way. As your muscle grows, all its subsystems must become more powerful at the same rate. This and the increased muscle mass itself explain the following effects:
As muscle mass increases, other organs in our body increase their performance. So if you have a serious accident and end up in the emergency room, your organs would break down more slowly thanks to your high muscle mass. This means hours or days of delay of multiple organ failure and time for doctors to stabilize your condition.
The good news first. As your strength increases from week to week, your muscle mass must grow. The stronger you get, the less "metabolic effort" you feel when doing the same work. For instance, climbing stairs at home: elderly people report repeatedly that the exact same stairs were suddenly no longer perceived as strenuous. The reason for this is that in a stronger muscle, much fewer muscle fibers have to be recruited and thus the cardiovascular system is relieved. The effect inevitably goes beyond the activities that are carried out anyway and opens up new possibilities for many of our customers. For example, a mountain tour with the children or one or the other downhill ski run during the winter vacations.
A total of 56% faster was the gastrointestinal transit time, which was observed in participants of a study after three months of strength training [1]. Slow digestion is repeatedly associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. It is therefore obvious that the larger the muscle mass, the faster the digestion and therefore the lower the risk of colorectal cancer.
Muscles are expensive. With about 35 calories per kilogram per day, they consume almost 10 times the amount of fat, which requires only 4 calories per day [2][3]. No wonder, then, that our Stone Age body starts to lose muscle mass at the tender age of 25 if no proper strength training is done. What doesn't pay any rent has to go. As a result, the resting metabolic rate drops between 2-5% per decade. So if you want to burn 200-300 calories at any age without having a guilty conscience, you should bring yourself into our program.
The glucose metabolism works 23% faster after only four months of regular strength training [4]. Most health problems begin with the inability of glucose to efficiently metabolize the intake of any carbohydrate from the diet. This inefficiency is the beginning of every diabetes 2 disease. Better glucose metabolism is my number 1 effect, the other reasons for this are No. 6 &14.
First, we need to understand how diabetes develops. If we humans don't put in a lot of effort and consume too many processed carbohydrates such as sugar, our muscles will be bulging with glucose, the human form of sugar storage. In order for glucose to reach the muscle cell, it needs to absorb the information that the hormone insulin transmits. However, our bulging muscle cells cannot absorb any more glucose. It communicates this by switching off the insulin receptors on its surface so that no further glucose is stored. In response to this, the body unfortunately simply produces more insulin, because the glucose in the blood cannot remain there, otherwise there is a risk of hyperglycemia. The glucose is thus transported to the liver, where it binds to fatty acids. The only cells that now respond to insulin are the fat cells. So the glucose-fatty acid compound is transported and stored there. We become fat. This vicious circle can best be broken by physical activity that is strenuous enough to empty the muscle cells. For example, sprinting or high-intensity weight training. The higher order muscle fibers, those that are only used at maximum effort, have muscle cells with the largest glucose stores. Basically like an emergency reserve. When these muscle fibers are strained, the body releases adrenaline, which sets off a cascade and leads to a complete emptying of these glucose stores. The insulin receptors are switched on again and the glucose in the blood and thus also the insulin drops. The pancreas, which produces the insulin, is relieved and the fat storage process is stopped. In diabetes 2, the pancreas has become so exhausted over a lifetime that it no longer produces insulin. This is where the circle closes: less insulin needed, less risk of diabetes.
The reduction of body fat depots through strength training is based on three effects. Firstly, by building muscle mass, the basal metabolic rate increases and more calories are consumed around the clock. Second, the strength training itself burns calories, but especially the calorie consumption afterwards, while the body refills the stores and repairs the weakened tissue, significantly helps in fat burning. Third, through the hormonal effect described in No. 6. By emptying the sugar storages, a hormone level is created that stops further fat storage and even, thanks to adrenaline, transports fat from the storages back out for burning. This third process is almost independent of the calorie intake and explains why it is almost impossible for an obese person to lose weight with a low-calorie carbohydrate diet if he or she does not train intensively. The enzyme that mobilizes stored body fat is the hormone sensitive lipase, which is suppressed by insulin and potentiated by adrenaline. Highly intensive strength training thus produces a veritable fat burning firework, independent of the calorie intake.
High-intensity weight training also has a positive effect here and was able to significantly improve cholesterol levels after only a few weeks [5]. Here again, insulin plays a decisive role, since together with the high glucose levels in the blood, it has an inflammatory effect and causes the tissues to be exposed to greater oxidative stress. This chronic inflammation causes the inner walls of the blood vessels to become downright porous, which naturally needs to be repaired. This is where cholesterol comes into play. This is transported either on LDL or HDL. LD and HD stand for low density and high density. Now it makes sense that the doctor always speaks of high-density and low-density lipoproteins, HDL and LDL, in connection with cholesterol. A cholesterol is nothing else but a building material of our body, which is transported to its place by means of HDL and LDL. These low and high density particles behave in our blood like leaves and tree trunks in a river. The LDL, leaves, are washed to the edge due to their low density and size. The HDL, tree trunks, swim down the river in the middle. This is exactly how one can imagine the repair of a cell inner wall. LDL is flushed from the inside to the inner wall of the vessel and cholesterol there repairs any damage caused by too much glucose and insulin. If now by strength training the glucose and insulin concentration in the blood sinks and thus the chronic inflammation of the vessel inner walls decreases, the cholesterin can be transported again back into the liver. The body uses HDLs to ensure that the valuable cargo does not accidentally get stuck somewhere. The HDL concentration in the blood therefore increases.
With this knowledge it makes sense to consider the HDL / LDL ratio as a marker of the general inflammatory state. It is also important to understand that high cholesterol levels are not the cause, but a symptom of cardio-vascular disease, and the real enemy is increased systemic inflammation caused by too much insulin and glucose. Eureka!
This is of course a side effect of narrowing blood vessels due to the process of repairing the inner walls of the cells with cholesterol described in No. 8. If you wallpaper over a wall again and again it becomes thicker and thicker, right? High-intensity strength training can also help here. The question that remains is: "Is strength training safe for people who already have high blood pressure?" The answer is a resounding yes! It has been shown that blood pressure is lowered without risking a dangerous increase in blood pressure [6].
There is now a wealth of data showing that a significant increase in bone mineral density can be achieved through a correctly executed strength training program [7]. In addition, the heavy eccentric loads simulated by our machines provide a build-up stimulus along the Wolf's Law. But also in addition to the pure strengthening of the bone, the strengthening of the muscle and its coordination by the central nervous system is of course a formidable protection against falls, which for osteoporosis patients at an advanced age can quickly mean premature death. Not all effects of high-intensity strength training on bone density have yet been understood. It is assumed that it is a fascinating interaction of mechanical stress stimulus and muscle messenger substances. For example, myokines, messenger substances emitted by the muscle during intensive exercise, have been discovered to have an effect on osteoanabol, i.e. bone formation.
It has been observed over and over again that correctly performed strength exercises have a soothing effect on both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis [8]. The findings of the research are clear: High intensity strength training not only leads to an improvement in strength, the feeling of exhaustion and pain, but is also harmless in terms of the course of the disease.
If a specific exercise is done for the lower spine (exercise 4 in our case), strength training has the best chance of curing this condition. In a study of the Physicians Back and Neck Clinic 67% of the participants could be cured [9]. Remarkable especially when you look at the list of reported unsuccessful pre-treatments: Chiropractic, epidural injection, vertebral joint infiltration, ultrasound, extension bandages, medication and electrical stimulation. This is expensive compared to a subscription with us. This effect is mainly due to the strengthening of the back extensor muscles. You have to imagine them like the human fillet, which runs along the spine and stabilizes it, and that from the outside and inside. If you add stronger core muscles, the pressure from the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs in the lower back is taken away, as with a corset, and thus the pain is relieved.
Flexibility is often referred to as the third pillar of fitness, along with cardiovascular stimulation and strength building, yet you do not need to attend yoga classes or even specific stretching to maintain flexibility. If you regularly apply resistance to the safe extremes of a movement, such as strength training, you will maintain flexibility. It is also questionable whether stretching a muscle beyond the radius in which it can still contract, which is noticeable by an unpleasant pull on the connective tissue structures, is healthy. Furthermore, it should be considered that, as long as there is no real shortening, a joint does not need to be stretched, since the natural barriers to movement through tendons, connective tissue and ligaments serve to protect the joint.
Every study that has looked at the cardiovascular effects of correct strength training has concluded that it has at least as much effect on the cardiovascular system as traditional approaches. About 45 minutes of cycling at a constant low intensity. Further, it is necessary to take a closer look at the definition of cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular health is defined as the ability of the cardiovascular system, the organs, including the muscles, to efficiently supply the nutrients they need at all times. Against this background, it is therefore not surprising that high-intensity strength training, which stimulates the muscle to undergo all the metabolic processes that are available to the muscle to provide energy, has been shown to have an enormous health effect on the cardiovascular system [10].
Means the reduction of muscle mass due to aging, starting at the age of 25-35 years. It is a huge problem because, as we have learned in No. 1-14, muscle mass and the regular high intensity exercise of this is the profilaxe par excellence against the appearance of a really nasty troop of diseases and impairments that rob us of our quality of life. Put simply, the reduction of muscle mass means the breakdown of every system in our body. And if only one of these systems is degraded to the point where it ceases to function, death occurs. Now we also understand why more muscle mass clearly correlates with longer life expectancy [11].
Finally we come to what we call "the power to enjoy life." The absence of diseases and impairments on the one hand, but also a life of genetic power maximum on the other hand. Why is this so important? As introduced in No. 2, the stronger a muscle, the less metabolic effort it has to perform a certain task, because much less muscle fibers are activated and therefore the cardiovascular system has less effort to perform. This applies universally, from the cyclist who, with more leg maximum strength, can achieve better performance within the same time span as before, to the pensioner who can now go on mountain tours with his children again, uphill running simply no longer wants to bring his cardiovascular system to a stop. More maximum strength makes any physical activity less strenuous and opens up new horizons, where strength is never a limiting factor.
As described in No 5. the glucose metabolism is of course also of vital importance for our brain. The brain is simply no longer optimally supplied with energy due to constant blood sugar fluctuations and chronic inflammation. Not surprisingly, it is difficult to go through life attentively when the brain is in a state of energy depletion. Meanwhile, Alzheimer's is also often referred to as diabetes 3 [12].
During highly intensive strength training, a protein called BDNF is released. This has a protective effect on existing neurons and helps to build new connections. This, in combination with a good energy supply in the brain through improved glucose metabolism, is an unbeatable combination for good concentration and learning ability [12].
It is fascinatingly simple, if you strengthen the muscles of the body, if you strengthen all systems of the body and thus have peace of mind that you will not have to restrain from anything in the future and that you are doing the optimal training for your own health. How practical that it takes only 6 minutes 1x per week for high intensity training and then you have to let the effect unfold in a relaxed manner. Time for the things you really enjoy. So it is as close to a miracle pill as you can get.
[1] K. Koffler, A. Menkes, A. Redmond et al., “ Strength Training accelerates transit in middle aged and older men ” Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 24, No. 4 (1992): 415 -419
[2] WJ Evans et al., " Basal metabolism an d age of adult men"
[3] W. Campbell et al., "Increased energy requirements and changes in body composition with resistance training in older adults"
[4] B. Hurley, "Does Strength Training improve Health Status?"
[5] M. Stone et al. " P hysiological effects of a short - term resistive training program on middle aged untrained men"
[6] KA Harris et al., " Physiological response to circuit we ight training in borderline hypertensive subjects"
[7] A. Menkes et al., “Strength training increases regional bone mineral density and bone remodeling in middle aged and older men”
[8] LC Rail et al. " The effect of progressive resistance training in rheumatoid arthritis: Increased strength without changes in energy balance or body composition"
[9] BW Nelson et al., "The clinical effects of intensive specific exercise on chronic low back pain"
[ 10 ] SP Messier and ME Dill, “Alterations in strength and maximum oxygen co nsumption consequent to nautilus circuit weight training”
[11] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002934314001387
[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_3_diabetes
[13] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wachstumsffekt_BDNF
Hi, I am one of the co-founders & the CEO of AURUM. My passion for sports formed early during my sailing career. The seed of knowledge planted there grew into research and experimentation of different approaches in nutrition, exercise, mindfulness and all things related to a happy and purposeful life. I hope you enjoy my articles. Feel free to get in touch.
See All PostsHi, I am one of the co-founders & the CEO of AURUM. My passion for sports formed early during my sailing career. The seed of knowledge planted there grew into research and experimentation of different approaches in nutrition, exercise, mindfulness and all things related to a happy and purposeful life. I hope you enjoy my articles. Feel free to get in touch.